The Future of E-commerce in 2020: How to Create the King of the Jungle E-commerce Platform
Based on the annual forecast, E-commerce overall revenue is predicted to reach $4.5 trillion by 2020. The easy access to the Internet has led various users around the globe to the persistent use of this gadget. And with the current level of technology, it would be absurd to engage in a tedious search for a clothing or grocery store and toe the mark, when the transactions can actually be settled with just a click.
The development in E-commerce took an overwhelming leap. Some products considered impossible to execute online can at the moment be done with ease. Today, online transactions have become a regular routine among people, and the main reason behind the turmoil in most industries. In this case, to become the pinnacle in one’s industry, every business-minded do ensure three things in their E-commerce applications:
- Fast operating system.
- Most valuable.
- It must be eye-catching.
What must be done to be among the best? The answer is enclosed in this article. This article sequentially analyzes the future of E-commerce, and how to make it attainable through our Node.js E-commerce tutorial.
The development of E-commerce over the ages
The journey began in 1995 when Amazon records its first book sales through the Internet and the existence of eBay as a shopping platform. Since then, revenue generated via online sales has been multiplying immensely.
After five years (2000), online transaction escalates to a higher level with a record of $25 billion in the United States. However, the most rocketing sale was recorded in 2012, with a sharp increase of more than a trillion dollars realized in E-commerce. The records made in 2012 were thought to be the end, but the value realized in E-commerce in 2019 was the big-bang. A record reveals that the online transaction performs on Black Friday only, worth $7.4 billion. Based on these values, many economist analysts have made a prediction that worldwide E-commerce sales would reach a peak of $53.9 trillion in 2020.
Today, most online transactions are done using a smartphone. In 2018, more than 40% of revenue generated in E-commerce is from mobile users. The one-click features in online transactions encourage many users worldwide to apply them on their day to day transactions, instead of the complex and the most complicated traditional way used previously.
One of the most promising methods to enhance and attract the customer is the Real-time customization of the user’s experience determined by the buyer’s personalities. This can be actualized by reshuffling content, making fabulous offers, and creating eye-catching content which in turn increases sales steadily. In addition, these unbelievable offers also include shipment rate, creative advertisement, discount, and more specially designed for every potential user.
Research reveals that customers up to 95% would rather buy from businesses with the highest rate of a personalized experience, rather than non-personalized ventures. Therefore, any businesses that follow the rope would gain ground in 2020.
Product content Syndication
To ensure your content becomes more popular, accepted, and attracts the exact audience PCS is the accurate tool designed to carry out such objectivity. As an automated sharing content software, it’ll be easier to create, update, and manage your content products in a unit, even though all this content can be found on different platforms. Therefore, PCS is highly essential for any business level, either they’re business-to-business or business-to-consumer.
What’re the benefits?
- It enables incredible internal management.
- It ensures optimum exposure to the brand.
- It strengthened the cordial relationship between the chain of distribution.
- The source of attraction of more customers and traffic generator.
- It boosts the search ranking.
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Consumers are rational by nature. Their choices are best determined by their intuition of what’s right from wrong, with aid, their judgment becomes more realistic. AR/VR 3D model is one of the features that many customers considered an aid before selecting a product. No doubt why AR/VR tech is essential to growing a business beyond the average. Recently, some tech experts prognosticated that the use of AR/VR in business would grow further by 2020. Therefore, E-commerce revenue will definitely grow extensively.
Sephora Virtual Artist
The typical application that describes the work of AR/VR in E-commerce is the SVR. Though the application is primarily developed and designed for the cosmetic industry. Undoubtedly, many makeup lovers would be impressed by the “makeup on before buying it” feature and would like to engage with the brand.
AI Chatbots
On the other hand, AI chatbot is a creative application designed to explore a user’s intention and carry out specific tasks. AI chatbot is designed with a complex level of technology that can carry out the role of customer services. These are executed in a sophisticated way that will help the user with the right information to make the perfect choice of products.
In summary, AI Chatbots would:
- Enhance customer and sales services.
- Cut the cost of Customer Services.
- Give the user a memorable experience.
- It improved and optimized the products.
Do you have the impression of being part of the future? If yes! Node.js have you covered. But, what’s Node.js and what’s in for you and your business in 2020?
First, Node.js is a cross-platform solution that allows the execution of JavaScript outside of a browser. Furthermore, Node.js is a platform that enables the possibility of creating server-side and networking applications. Therefore, Node.js is the perfect Avenue in creating data-intensive and real-time apps that can function well in multi-furious operating systems.
Moreover, Node.js code execution is super fast because the program is engraved in Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine inside. Furthermore, Node.js doesn’t buffer any data but input in its chunks. This program works incessantly and also has the highest capacity to change in size, scales, and mode of operations. One of the best reasons why many software developers ranked its operation excellent among the rest. Multiple cooperation like Amazon, PayPal, Netflix, Linkedln and more considered Node.js as their tech of choice. Node.js also remains the hindquarters behind eBay and Ali Express.
Why you should backup your E-commerce application with Node.js?
If you are thinking of how to save your program, Node.js is your best option. With the incredible features, most of your app development budget would be easier to save without any stress.
Since Node.js operates on multi-furious operating systems, your application development becomes simple and easy to use. All that your developers need to know is the programming code “Node.js.”
One of the most crucial components of an E-commerce application is the performance and efficiency, an attribute Node.js offers in a triple fold. Do you know that you can improve your Node.js efficiency by combining c++addons? Our step-by-step guide will put you through on this ideology.
As a prerequisite for any enterprise-level organization, your application is bound to have an immense supporter in the Node.js community. Furthermore, the ever consistent conceptual framework of Node.js gives you the opportunity to create an effective, efficient, and dynamic E-commerce platform. Supposed you’ve decided to design your website through our Node.js, every process on the platform would be super fast and less time-consuming. The availability of many different Node.js plugins is an opportunity that enables the creation of an eye-catching Node.js shopping cart.
How to build an E-commerce platform with Node.js in 2020
A lucrative platform developed using Node.js might be complex and more; however, the result is always the best. You should follow our Node.js E-commerce tutorial to get the platform:
1. Creates a Reliable Development Team.
To create a Node.js E-commerce website sturdy enough to create massive impressions, a strong, reliable, and dedicated technical personnel is the bedrock. These set of Node.js development specialist includes:
- Business analyst: As the name implies, this person or group of persons explore your business and propose different progressive strategies to enhance your business.
- Node.js developer: These men are responsible for the main website development.
- Quality assurance: Once a website is created, it must be tested to confirm the efficiency and reliability. The set of engineers here, do ensure the new application is working as programmed.
- UI/UX designer: this is a prolific web designer. They’ll carry out their design in respect of the content nature and market, and also ensure it’s easy to use by potential users.
- Project manager: This is a person who observes the effectiveness and efficiency of the team and controls the project.
2. The use of Agile Software Development approach in the process
But, what’s Agile?
This is an interactive mechanism engraved in software development and project management to analyze individual customer and know their intentions. Agile is quite different from other development strategies because they frequently delivered the maximum function bit by bit without ceasing or malfunctioning.
3. Select the most suitable Node.js framework
There exist numerous Node.js framework in the system. The selection of the most suitable Node.js framework for your website is, therefore, crucial, but what’re these Node.js frameworks anyway?
The first on the list is the Meteor.Js Framework. This framework is an open service JavaScript encoded using Node.js programming. Meteor.js is the framework designed for any E-commerce business willing to be multi-versatile and could function on any operating system.
- An E-commerce application encoded using Meteor.js only needed “JavaScript” as the main language, which makes it easier than many frameworks having complex language.
- A real-time app using Meteor.js is a no-brainer.
- Meteor.js framework is easier to understand, operate, and utilize.
- Any E-commerce web app operating on Meteor.js can be easily converted into mobile apps using Cordova without complications.
Another on the list is the Total.Js Framework. This framework would enable you to create a massive real-time E-commerce app within a short period of time. Total.js is an excellent free server-side and users side platform for business enterprise.
- Total.js offers stability during the process.
- The maintenance incurred is relatively cheaper than others.
- Total.js offers effortless scaling and maintains overall performance.
- E-commerce app encrypted with Total.js support features like cool themes, media streaming, and localization.
- Total.js functions well on ARM architecture and requires low CPU and little memory.
Koa.Js Framework is an advanced programming piece of technology. The framework is a comprehensive open-source web for APIs and web applications. Koa.js is designed as a platform for fast and enjoyable server writing.
- Koa.js framework is portable, fast, and dynamic.
- The frameworks offer a wide range of modules and better customization than any others.
- In spite of being a comprehensive tech, Koa.js enables the developers to reduce error possibilities and improves on any future occurrences.
Reaction Commerce is an E-commerce platform encrypted using Node.js and Meteor.js framework. These combinations produce the Reaction E-commerce platforms that can effectively handle products, cart, check out, inventory management, shop management, shop customization and many more with ease.
- The Reaction E-commerce bio-framework enables the users to monitor and manage their sales.
- The Reaction E-commerce platform is a product of high-technology.
- As a modular based framework, Reaction E-commerce can respond to customer behavior faster than any other Node.js framework programming.
Another notable Node.js framework is Ymple. Ymple Node.js framework centered their focus on E-commerce development, and as a responsive open-resources, it provides a seamless web and mobile E-commerce experience for its users.
- Ymple E-commerce Node.js framework enables static integration with Stripe and Paypal.
- Ymple E-commerce Node.js framework is easier to build.
- The custom template can be used or operate on any device because they’re agile and highly responsive.
Finally, Node.js E-commerce framework. The framework: is an API built version on Node.js. Node.js framework is designed to replace some framework that won’t permit you to customize the data model to your taste.
- Node.js enables custom manipulations from database fields to formulas.
-’s API framework ensures maximum control and scalability of your platform.
- Any E-commerce app encoded with Node.js framework always ensures your data is accessible and readily available at any moment.
4. You should manage your projects with Scrum.
So, what’s Scrum?
Scrum can be described as an agile project management process framework designed to enhance effective decision-making. Scrum as a mechanism propounds ideas based on real-life situations rather than groundless predictions and speculation. While implementing scrum techniques, the development process can be classified into different parts and goals that can be completed within timeboxed iterations, called sprints, no longer than one month and most commonly two weeks. Once the products are fully developed, they’re placed on trial during each successful sprint to maintain the look and to keep them in good shape. Finally, all involved in the business: Product owner, Stakeholder, and Development team crew would analyze the result and prepare for the next line of action.
The Scrum Role
Everyone present can be classified into 3 places.
Product Owner
A person or group of products C.E.O that their cooperation led to the successful implementation of your app.
Scrum Master
This is the person-in-charge of the successful implementation of Agile methodology throughout each development level.
Team Member
Developers, QA engineers, UI/UX designers, etc.
In Summary
If you want your business to be the king of the jungle, you shouldn’t hesitate to choose Node.js as the right technology for your business. The piece of technology would enable two components: a strong-hold strengthening your application and the citadel behind the easy access to the latest trend in E-commerce.
With Node.js, every process comes with ease due to the magnificent effect of Agile and Scrum. The moment your reliable development team has been selected, and everything has been put in place, no doubt that your website would be the king of the hill. With Agile and Scrum, your business is in good hands. Agile would ensure the non-stop delivery of products in your cart and with its expandable features, you’ll be able to observe your Node.js demo in just two weeks. On the contrary, Almighty Scrum Project Management ensures you are the Alpha and Omega of every process. What’s your decision now? You might decide to use many of the ready-made Node.js E-commerce app frameworks on the Internet or hire a tech guru to brand your experience. Nevertheless, Apiko team is ready to give you a website with Node.js just the way you want it. So, what do you suggest?