Explore these Top 10 React Native Open-Source Projects before Launching Your Own App

7 min readMar 25, 2020


React Native Open-source code is a master teacher for all app developers, regardless of their level of expertise and experience in app development. And, as a masterpiece, you should expect nothing less than perfection during its process in any project.

Realistically, React Native Open-source code is indeed a Swiss army knife as it enables you to observe the development process very closely, be the Alpha and Omega of every action, and allows you to learn from many professionals. After all, practice makes perfection; therefore, the experience you would acquire through open-source code is so important for your project.

Out of curiosity, we’ve decided to send giant spaceships into space to discover brave new worlds. We’ve assigned our developers to go through fifty open-source React Native apps on GitHub and choose ten out of the long list they found incredible, and analyze what has caught their interest in them. Our intention here is to determine the best among the varieties of Open-source Native apps available.

Therefore, this article is designed to expose you to the insightful open-source projects on GitHub, to reap all the benefits from their source code and make a wise decision for your project.

  • Feedback formation
  • Name of the app
  • Operations
  • Configuration
  • Integrations
  • The benefits you can explore as an app developer.
  • The results


Operations: This app is a private client of networking and chat forum for communities on Github-Gitter. Check here for more comprehensive information about its main features.
Integrations: React Native, React Native Navigation, React Native vector icons, React invertible scroll view, React Native fetch blob, React Native scrollable tab view, React Native transformable image.

Source: https://gitter.im/

The benefits you can explore as an app developer: As an interactive forum carved with React Native, its processes are incredible! Furthermore, the technology stacks would enable you to reuse the code either on native or web platforms simultaneously…

AskApiko Mobile

The project: The mobile app operation is similar to Stack Exchange (ask-and-answer). Actually, AskApiko is designed as a demo for the React Native programs we offer (Apiko — Apiko Full-Stack Intensive).

Concurrently, the courses we offer are in the Ukrainian language; however, we plan to extend the languages and make it more of an international standard soon. So, please rest assured as our dreams come true to better serve you.

The benefits you can explore as an app developer: AskApiko Mobile is a demo product that depicts your chances of creating something enormous, and since the core is carved with React Native, you can easily create a platform like AskApiko mobile.


KittenTricks: The app is a mobile starter kit having more than 40 screens and a theme super reloaders configuration. An app design such as KittenTricks enables different personalized layouts, light and dark themes, and React Native screens available for your next app.
Configuration: No Flux/ Redux, all elements connect directly with the Realm.
Integrations: React Native UI Kitten, Realm, React Navigation.

Source: https://github.com/emersonlaurentino/kittenTricks

The benefits you can explore as an app developer: The app can function as a starter kit in any app development, and can also be described as a practical sample of using the realm in React Native.


Operations: DoctorWho is a Demo app of “Reactive core Architecture” architecture. The React Native open-source app is designed to list all doctors of the Doctor Who series in a sequential manner i.e a doctor’s details arranged by name and number. The app is capable of exhibiting the function as a result of its reactive core where JavaScript Object Notation (JSON files) are sourced indefinitely for relevant information.

Configuration: the framework comprises of three modules:

The core: It comprises the business logic and the application state. This component is implemented using the Redux framework.

The mobile app: Executed through React Native framework.

The web application: Executed through React framework.

Integrations: React, React Native, Redux

The benefits you can explore as an app developer: This app is a practical sample of how to split business logic from the web and mobile representation.

React Swipeable View

Operations: A React component for swipeable (tab) views for web and RN.
Configuration: The projects are subdivided into four packages — core logic, web and RN implementations, and HOC that contributed more efficiencies to the base components.

Source: https://malcoded.com/posts/react-swipeable-list/
The benefits you can explore as an app developer: DoctorWho’s app configuration is highly adjustable, easier to execute by any user and the right solution for carving swipeable units like tabs.

React Native Calculator

Operations: React Native depicts how the source code can be carved/programmed or designed to run on multiple devices.

Configuration: The configuration here is quite distinctive from the aforementioned, all the files designed for different platforms are located in a single unit (Folder).

Source: https://github.com/deadcoder0904/react-native-redux-calculator

The benefits you can explore as an app developer: The app is a practical sample of structuring components and sharing logic on an app that can run on multiple operating systems.

Finance React Native

Operations: iOS’s Stocks App clones written in React Native (available on Google Play)
Configuration: its structure is carved with Flux — an architecture designed by alt, while the react-native-router-flux is used for routing.

Source: https://dribbble.com/shots/7181663-Mobile-Finance-UI-Kit

The benefits you can explore as an app developer: The app is a practical sample of adopting another Flux architecture and not fully depending on Redux architecture.

Gifted Chat React Native

Operations: The most completed User Interface (UI) for React Native.
Architecture: It operates mainly in User Interface (UI) components.
Integrations: Minimal rate of dependencies
The benefits you can explore as an app developer: It enables the use of an API animated library for simple component animation in the RN.

React Native Elements

Operations: Multiplatform React Native UI Toolkit.
Configuration: Pairs of designed RN components
Integrations: React Native vector icons, React Native side menu, React Native tab navigator.
The benefits you can explore as an app developer: If you’re new in the world of styling in React Native, its elements will be a good way to familiarize and have in-depth knowledge as a beginner.

React Native Animation

Operations: Well-equipped and easier to execute pairs of animations and declarative transitions for Creative Native.
Configuration: The structures are delegated into a few parts and transactions.
Integrations: Minimal level of dependencies
The benefits you can explore as an app developer: The structure accommodates the use of complex API Animated Library to execute parts/components animating in React Native easily.


Operations: As a React Native app crowned with open-source code, it assists users in the management of their expenses and incomes. Perfi application is absolutely free to run, and the APK version is available on Google Play for all and sundry.

Source: https://dribbble.com/shots/5313503-Personal-Finance/attachments

The most important attributes are highlighted below:

  1. Intuitive and large interface.
  2. Five major menu items for fast and efficient personal-finance track-down.
  3. The ‘Switch’ function enables fast transition between accounts — Card or Cash, and also enables adding custom accounts.
  4. The availability of multiple expenses, categories, and chances of creating more personalized categories.
  5. A piece of cake mode of transaction.
  6. Transactions are sorted systematically to achieve 100% reliability and clarification. These analyses are itemized by date, time, category, and account.
  7. An advanced transaction analyzer. It analyzes transaction trends to observe the dynamism in the volume of incomes and expenses at different times scheduled.
  8. It enables fund transfer between accounts and instant financial reports.
  9. An inbuilt calculator designed for users during the process of transaction creation.

Integrations: Expo, React Native modal date time picker, React Native tab view, React Native popup menu, React navigation
Configuration: Redux, Recompose.
The benefits you can explore as an app developer: A practical sample of how to execute

Closing Remarks

Tada! We’ve just highlighted a few among countless React Native open-source projects available. So, what’s your decision now? Don’t relent, be up and do it! Nevertheless, we believe you’ve chosen many React Native open-source projects and ready to rock and roll!!!




Written by Apiko

Apiko is a software development company that enters markets with digital businesses, using a solid process and clever strategies.

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